About Us


We envision creating a world where all transgender people are economically prosperous by Developing and nurturing the ecosystem


Our mission is to make and build up a circle of innovative arrangements across different organized verticals to achieve a progressive economic change for Transgender People in Pakistan as well as globally.


Our Strategy is to boost up transgender entrepreneurship in Pakistan as a tool for their socio-economic development through Awareness, Advocacy, capacity building, training, micro financing, mentoring and resource mobilization.

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Strategic Interests

To link up like-minded transgender individuals, as well as those with similar business or strategic interests.

Source Of Learning

To serve as a source of learning, sharing and exchanging of ideas between transgender entrepreneurs.

Chain Response

To make a chain response that will adjust the entrepreneurial scene of Pakistan, and help groom and support transgender people who are driven as much by profits as by cultural change.

To Team up and Organize

To team up and organize with every key partner related to transgender entrepreneurship, filling in as a stage for idea generation with financial backers just as giving beginning up cash-flow to those thoughts that are lined up with our social command.

Financial Strengthening

To establish a climate of sustainable transgender enterprises at all levels including the grassroots, bringing about financial strengthening

Resource Tool

To be a resource tool for transgender entrepreneurs, giving the most recent updates and data on patterns at the local, national, regional and global level.

Contact Us

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